DZ & Riggy vs the World(s) II Version 1.20

All I can say is WHEW. This is the biggest update yet, and probably the biggest I will ever do! Here are the changes for this update:

- Added a switch that now prevents players from being able to talk to Goombario when standing on the ground rather than the pub's balcony in Figaro.

- Added New Game+. It can be accessed at any time during the post game after beating the game either normally or via the new optional hard mode. Talk to Hudson to restart the game in New Game+ mode.

- Army Helmet now grants the wearer immunity to Stun.

- Corrected a messed up screen fade that occurred after the ending credits.

- dearie dawn's cat ball items used YourUncleMeatball's meatball icon. Changed them to use the correct cat ball icon.

- Decreased healing of Soothing Flame slightly, as it was consistently healing all characters to maximum too frequently.

- Decreased speed of enemies in Sonic the Hedgehog world slightly.

- Fixed a few minor issues with events in the RPG Maker 2000 world.

- Fixed a few minor typos in the Chrono Trigger world.

- Fixed an eventing issue that allowed players to press and hold the left button/key while on horseback in the Barbie Horse Adventures world to stay still, which could grant a massive advantage. Pressing left now simply registers as moving to the right.

- Fixed an issue that would cause the player to wind up stuck in terrain and off of the walkable path on the overworld after beating the Ogre Battle world.

- Fixed colour of MikeyBlighe's eyes in his portrait because I am a colour blind fool.

- In Ogre Battle world, Knight enemy incorrectly showed Fighter's icon when attacking. Corrected this minor graphical issue.

- Lowered chance of stun from Shellcracker's Thunder Claw from 50% in 25%.

- New hard mode! After you beat the game, speak to Ganglim in Figaro to activate hard mode. Play through all worlds again at 9-10 star difficulty. Enemies have new attacks, some bosses and chests have all new items, all boss battles have new music, and the party no longer recovers all HP/AP after each battle! Challenge bosses and repeatable areas are unaffected and do not change. Note that switching to hard mode is permanent, so it is advisable to save to a new file when activating it.

- Reduced the duration of the Sleep condition from 3-5 to 2-4 turns.

- Something ominous lurks in Figaro for those who manage to beat hard mode.

- Updated the ending credits.


DZ & Riggy vs the World(s) II 1.20 611 MB
Jul 06, 2023

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